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How to get started with Quotabank

· 2 min read
Ronen Albagli

QuotaBank is an innovative platform designed to streamline the management of digital quotas. In today's digital landscape, where quotas govern everything from data usage to financial transactions, efficient quota management is crucial for businesses and individuals. QuotaBank offers a comprehensive solution to this challenge, providing robust tools and features to simplify quota management processes.

Getting Started with QuotaBank

Once you've successfully created your account, there are a few steps to set up before you can start using QuotaBank on your platform.

Step 1 - Obtain Your API Key

Navigate to your account settings (located in the top right corner of the navbar). Under the Security tab, you'll find your API key.

Step 2 - Create Your First Wallet & Card

Head to the wallet section (found in the header). Click on the Add new button and follow the prompts to create your first wallet and card using the wizard.

Congratulations! You've Created Your First QuotaBank Wallet & Card

That's it! You're all set up and ready to start leveraging the power of QuotaBank.

Sanity Check

To ensure everything is set up correctly, let's use some quota. Copy and paste the following command into your terminal:

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'qbjwt: {{YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}}' \
--data-raw '{
"amount": 1,
"reason": "Testing is fun",
"metadata": {
"platform": "sanity-test

The expected response status should be 201 CREATED. You should receive an event ID in the response that describes this operation.

The expected response should be:

"eventId": "8ecdfde1-7d3f-4968-8434-a90b218cbdf2"

You're All Set Up!

Now you can create multiple wallets and cards, and start using QuotaBank as your resource manager!